Everyone needs a little Magick in their life.

How To Make Your Personal "Wish Bottle"


What you'll need:

--> A jar with lid.

--> A pencil.

--> A piece of paper.

--> Honey.

--> A twig or stick - that will fit inside the jar, which the paper can be wrapped around.

--> Thread

--> Any lucky charms you may have. (Optional)

STEP 1: Write your wish on the piece of paper 9 times.

STEP 2: Write your own name OVER each of the 9 lines where you wrote your wish. Just write your name right over each one!

STEP 3: Wrap the paper around the stick so that the writing is on the inside. Tie the paper so it stays around the stick with the piece of thread or string.

STEP 4: Add any lucky charms to the bottle. (Optional.)

STEP 5: Cover all the contents with honey.

STEP 6: Seal the jar and keep it under your bed. Forget about it. :)

...and now, feel hope fill your heart. And know that the Universe will take good care of you, and bring you exactly what you need - when you need it - to get through this.

IMPORTANT: Oh... and your wish will come true too. ;)